NCAR OpenIoTwx
Button red 50 Pueblo CC SW Test Station 000 (id: 75) (sensor_id: puebloccsw_test) located at Lewis CO
Description: Pueblo Community College Southwest
This instrument is designated as: ACTIVE
(If 'INACTIVE', the instrument will not appear in the dashboard.)


111843 measurements were reported.
This instrument is expected to report a measurement every 300 seconds.
The first measurement was measured at 2024-10-10 17:05:03 UTC.
The last measurement is about 1 month old. It was measured at 2025-01-31 20:21:22 UTC.

Data Access and Downloads

Data ingest/fetch
Data URLs
Download current day as
Instrument Description

Plot measurements for the last 1 weeks


Short Name Name Units Min/Max (Plot) Measured Property  
t1 Temperature degree celsius
/ Temperature
uvs UVAB count
/ Frequency
rh1 Humidity percent
/ Humidity Value
sp1 Pressure count
/ Air Pressure Value
voc1 VOC (aggregate) count
/ Atmospheric Data
acc Precipitation inch of water
inch H2O
/ Temperature
iph Precipitation Rate inches per hour
/ Precipitation
pm25standard PM2.5 count
0.0 / 2000.0 Sample
pm100standard PM10 count
0.0 / 2000.0 Sample
pm10standard PM1.0 count
0.0 / 2000.0 Atmospheric Data
partcount03 Particle Count (3um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
partcount05 Particle Count (5um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
partcount10 Particle Count (10um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
partcount25 Particle Count (25um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
partcount50 Particle Count (50um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
partcount100 Particle Count (100um) count
0.0 / Atmospheric Data
